This is the hot shoot that set the fire raging in Mumbai. Bollywood actress Neetu Chandra of “Oye Lucky, Lucky Oye” fame (on top) and glamour model Krishika Gupta (bottom) were doing this for a photo shoot for the magazine The Man outside a Mumbai three-star hotel. The unusual sight drew a crowd of about 100 men. Allegedly, the men mobbed Neetu Chandra, Krishika Gupta and the shooting crew. They also tried to physically harm the Actress and others in the crew.
It is alleged that the men wanted to get the attention of actress Neetu Chandra, wanted to shake hands with her, talk to her, get her autograph, and they wanted to get photographed with her. After greeting them, the actress and crew wanted to continue the shoot. Then the crowd of men felt they were being ignored and they claimed they belonged to MNS and shouted slogans like “Jai Maharashtra”.
As the men went berserk the shoot was stopped. They alleged that the shoot was promoting lesbianism and threatened an agitation. “They claimed to have connections with Raj Thackeray’s Maharashtra Navnirman Sena (MNS)”, Neetu Chandra said.
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