Kal Kissne Dekha (2009), the Bollywood movie produced by Vashu Bhagnani, casting his son Jackky Bhagnani in the lead for his debut, and directed by Vivek Sharma, is the first film to roll out from the Bollywood after the resolution of the revenue sharing dispute between producers and multiplex owners. The cast includes, Vaishali Desai (newcomer), Archana Puran Singh, Akshay Kapoor, Javed Jaffrey, Rachna Shah, Kunal Kumar, and Nushrat Bharucha. The film has Rishi Kapoor in a pivotal role.
Kal Kissne Dekha, the complete masala film with ingredients of romance and some thrill and distributed by Big Pictures, has been made on a budget of Rs.27 crore and is releasing with 500 prints worldwide. The film's music is by composer duo Sajid-Wajid.
Kal Kissne Dekha is the story about a seemingly simple, talkative Chandigarh boy Nihal Singh (Jackky Bhagnani) who loves to build complicated gadgets. He has a brilliant mind and an oddball sort of charm, dreams of studying in the most elite institute of science and wants to be a scientist. When he is accepted into his dream college in Mumbai (Bombay) city, he finds that the college is a whole new world with new people and new challenges to be met.
Nobody takes him seriously, he is ragged and insulted by the girl he likes, Meesha (Vaishali Desai), who is very rich, proud, rude, and spoilt college brat. She cannot tolerate the fact that Nihaal, by and by, manages to charm everyone, including Professor Verma, the warden of the college.
Then Nihal starts getting visions of Meesha being in danger. He has supernatural powers to see the future. He saves her life. But the secret is revealed that he can foresee the future. After this, Meesha is drawn closer towards him and they fall in love. The media, including TV channels, report about his miraculous powers and Nihal starts getting undue attention from anti social elements. And the real drama starts…
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