Meera Chopra (aka Nila in the Tamil cinema industry), originally a fashion model, made her debut with the Tamil film Anbe Aaruyire, produced and directed by S.J. Suryah, playing the lead role. It was a hit, shooting her up to instant stardom in Tamil cinema. She has acted in some Telugu movies too. Her Telugu movie Vaana, produced by M. S. Raju, was highly appreciated for her performance. Some of her movies are Jaganmohini (2009 - Tamil), Arjun (2008 - Kannada), Vaana (2008 - Telugu), Kaalai (2008 - Tamil, cameo appearance), Maruthamalai (2007 - Tamil), Lee (2007 - Tamil), Jambhavan (2006 - Tamil), Bangaram (2006 - Telugu), and Anbe Aaruyire (2006 - Tamil).
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