Friday, May 28, 2010

Kanye West Pays Amber Rose For Silence?

Amber Rose / irockstarlola
Kanye West has been busy in Hawaii working on his upcoming album titled “Good Ass Job,” but has kept details involving the album rather quiet over the last few weeks. He has also asked that those close to him not give any details about the CD either.Recent rumors have stated that the album will likely be going back toward the older sound that West used to have when he first broke onto the national scene, more of a boom bap sound, which is a far cry from his latest release.

When Amber Rose, West’s girlfriend as asked how she felt about the work that West had done on the album, she wasn’t allowed to answer any questions, and a representative for West and Rose said;

“Kanye has a gag order on Amber Rose. She just told us she doesn’t do interviews. But she was still cool about it.”

Big Sean, a rapper that is signed to Kanye’s label, recently accidentally let the name of the album slip in a Twitter post. Since that time, no one has really had much to say about the upcoming album. He would go on to reveal a number of different track names that will be included on the album.

Rick Ross, who will be featured on the album and recently flew to Hawaii to work on some songs, didn’t have much to say about it either.

“I don’t wanna discuss no details of his project, but we got a lot of things accomplished,” Ross aid when questioned about the album.(Source:


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