Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Books, Reading, Fashion

The use of technology has taken this country by storm. As an avid user, I have come to discover a passion for technology as it it relates to reading. Reading is fashionable. There are several stylist reading devices: iPad, NOOK, Kindle, E-Reader, Reader Pocket Edition Digital Reader, and iPod Touch. I have always been a HUGE fan of reading and technology. Last year, I created and founded The Ivy League Book Club in Baltimore, Maryland. The book club was created as an outlet for professional women in the area who also enjoy reading and aspire to support African American literature and female authors. We meet every third Friday of the quarter: January, April, July, and October. Since creating the book club, I have tried to find inexpensive ways to purchase books and maintain my book collection habit. Many people traditionally still visit their library, where they have to search through millions of books to find a specific one. Not only that, but find space to store all the books. Personally, I have a bookcase that holds over 100 books. I ABSOLUTELY LOVE READING! However, I have found a new source- ebook reader on the iPod Touch. It is fashionable. It is fun. It is affordable. Apple has an app called iBooks where you can purchase books ,and it is stored in your elibrary. The iPod Touch and other ebook reader devices are fun and fashionable because you can take it with you anywhere you go, without having to carry heavy books in your purse. In addition, there are a variety of cute accessories for your device, such as skins and cases. I have the Hard Candy Street Skin-PINK OF COURSE- which I comfortably carry in my purse. Hopefully, this year I will be able to expand my fashionable lifestyle and join the other ebook readers on the iPad.

If you absolutely love reading, and looking for a phenomenal book club to attend then visit for more information. Email for serious inquiries.


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